Rommel Events Switzerland 2018
Vortrag und Book Launch – 27. Okt. & 2. Nov. 2018
mit Rommel Roberts, Südafrika – profunder Kenner der Situation in Südafrika und anderen afrikanischen Staaten
- Vortrag: «Projekte, Entwicklungen und Chancen in Südafrika etc»
-> E-Learning für Township in Kapstadt, Berufsentwicklung in Platfontein (Buschleute),
mini-solar power plants für Stromversorgung in den Dörfern, Umwelt (Abfall, Wasser, Wald)
Co-Willing News (
-> Afrika – aufgekauft von China? Oder bessere Wege für nachhaltiges Investment.-> Zusammenarbeit mit Firmen und Berufsausbildungs-Instituten
- «From African Challenges to Creative Opportunities»
Analyse der sozio-politischen Situation und deren ökonomischen Auswirkung,
auch im Kontext der neuen Kolonialisation von Afrika - Book Launch – NEU mit mehr Geschichten & Fotos und NEU gestaltetes Buch
‘Seeds of Peace’ – auf Deutsch übersetzt und Englisch
Auf Wunsch signiert Rommel die gekauften Bücher.
Deutsche Übersetzung gewährleistet
Siehe Näheres untenstehend
- Oktober 18:30 Kirchgemeindehaus der Reformierten Küsnacht ZH
Untere Heslibachstrasse 3, 8700 Küsnacht ZH
- November 20:00 Frauenfeld – Pfarreizentrum Klösterli, Klösterliweg 6, 8500 Frauenfeld
Bitte anmelden unter
– Anzahl Personen
– Buch-Vorbestellung: o deutsch o Englisch
Mit herzlichen Grüssen
Susi Gubler
052 763 29 21
“From African Challenges to Creative Opportunities”
Despite the perception that Africa is full of problems
– and yes, there are obvious problems –
from a closer perspective there are many needs and opportunities for creative investment
in the strategic realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
The realization of this requires …
– good analysis
– development of good relationships
– targeting drastical action plans that make both economic and social sense to Africa.
This is offers opportunities for collaboration
and one has to strategically target critical needs that can be transformed into economic and social investment
for opportunities creating win-win situations and turn needs into opportunities.
It is time to approach investment in a new creative and sustainable way – not old colonial style investment!
Europe’s responsibility and opportunity to open up a new chapter of collaboration.
Rommel Roberts, as profound expert of the (South) African context, will bring
a broad analysis of the socio-political environment and economic impact –
also in the context of the new colonialization of Africa.
Book Launch “Seeds of Peace” (English and deutsch)
(new revised and expanded editions, with additional stories and photos)
Powerful stories from the past and the present – with outlook into a brighter future
Rommel was one of the leaders who played a substantial role in the development of a grassroots movement
in the liberation struggle against apartheid
and he engaged for the empowerment of the poor
and he still is one of the most efficient advocate for economic empowerment.
He will not only tell us from his creative non-violent struggle for liberation at the side of Desmond Tutu
and with the help of many unsung heroines and heroes on all levels and from all origin,
but also from his latest empowerment projects in the townships of Cape Town and
with the bush people of Platfontein, the most marginalized ethnic group of South Africa.
He will be available to sign his books.